“The power to collaborate with design, construction, and the owner is where PLAXIS really shines. During meetings, I can quickly respond to stakeholder requests by adjusting geometry and sharing multiple scenarios. Being able to model “on the fly” helps us avoid wasting time going back and forth on emails and phone calls.”
Product Tiers
PLAXIS 3D includes the most essential functionality to perform everyday deformation and safety analysis for soil and rock. This comprehensive software for the design and analysis of soils, rocks, and associated structures makes it easy to model in full 3D.
Reliably solve infrastructure challenges
Easily generate and scale construction sequences for excavations. Facilitate steady-state groundwater flow calculations, including flow-related material parameters, boundary conditions, drains, and wells. Use interfaces and embedded pile elements to model movement between soil and foundation, such as slipping and gapping. Get trustworthy results with realistic soil models and a complete portfolio of visualization abilities.
Get realistic assessments of stresses and displacements
To meet the unique geotechnical challenges of soil structure interactions, PLAXIS 3D offers different calculation types, such as plastic, consolidation, and safety analysis. A range of material models for predicting the behavior of various soils and rock types, combined with robust calculations, helps ensure reliable results. You can display these forces in various ways, and use cross-section applications to inspect certain areas in greater detail.
Drive efficiency with multidiscipline workflows
Create logical geotechnical digital workflows that take projects from subsurface imports through design and analysis to various outputs.
PLAXIS 3D Advanced
PLAXIS 3D Advanced includes everything that is in PLAXIS 3D, plus it further enhances your geotechnical design capabilities with more advanced features and material models. You can consider creep or flow-deformation coupling through consolidation analysis. Additionally, you can solve problems faster with the multicore solver.
To learn the differences between the various versions of PLAXIS 3D, view the capability comparison matrix below.
PLAXIS 3D Ultimate
PLAXIS 3D Ultimate extends the capabilities of PLAXIS 3D Advanced so you can analyze the effects of vibrations in the soil, like earthquakes and moving traffic loads. You can also simulate complex hydrological conditions through time-dependent variations of water levels or flow functions on model boundaries, as well as soil boundaries.
3D Geotechnical Dynamic Modeling
PLAXIS 3D Ultimate is an easy-to-use software that is suited for more advanced seismic analysis. When you need something that goes beyond the low-frequency vibrations, this is the choice for you. You can:
- Analyze the effects of human-made or natural seismic vibrations in soil
- Perform analyses on the effects of vibrations in the soil from earthquakes, pile driving, vehicle movement, heavy machinery, or train travel
- Accurately calculate the effects of vibrations with a dynamics analysis when the frequency of the dynamic load is higher than the natural frequency of the medium
- Perform a ground response analysis and liquefaction analysis using the UBCSand model
3D Geotechnical Groundwater Flow
Go beyond the default options of steady-state groundwater flow analysis of PLAXIS with PLAXIS 3D Ultimate.
- Simulate the unsaturated, time-dependent, and anisotropic behavior of soil
- Simultaneously calculate changes in pore pressures and deformation by performing a fully-coupled flow-deformation analysis
- Use the Flow-only mode to exclude displacements and stresses from the calculation if you are only interested in groundwater flow, making it easier to use.
PLAXIS 3D WorkSuite
PLAXIS 3D WorkSuite includes everything that you get with PLAXIS 3D Ultimate, plus you get PLAXIS 3D LE, and PLAXIS Designer.
With PLAXIS 3D LE you can model and analyze geo-engineering projects for limit equilibrium slope stability analysis and perform finite element analysis of groundwater seepage in unsaturated or saturated soils.
PLAXIS Designer
PLAXIS Designer makes it easy to build 3D conceptual models to help you overcome the challenges of merging and analyzing data. With Bentley’s open modeling environment, PLAXIS Designer enables you to visualize and manipulate geotechnical site data such as topology, boreholes, piezometers, and other field instrumentation data, as well as engineering staged construction and design.
Technical Capabilities
- Automatic Swept Meshing for more efficient meshes
- Elastoplasticity for beams and plates
- Revolve around axis tool
- CAD import and export
- Nonlinear geogrids: Elastoplastic (N-ε) and Viscoelastic (time-dependent)
- Cross and parallel permeability in interfaces
- Polar and rectangular array
- Easy definition of rock bolts and girders in Tunnel Designer
- Define excavation sequence in the Tunnel Designer
- Automatic generation of staged construction phases for tunnels
- Design arbitrary geometries combining NURBS curves and polycurves
- Automate processes with full command line support and remote scripting API
Material Models
- Field stress initial calculation type
- Full 64-bit software
- Multicore computing
- Well-proven and robust calculation procedures
- Plastic calculation, consolidation analysis, and safety analysis
- Pseudo-static and dynamic analysis, including dynamics with consolidation
- Facilities for steady-state groundwater flow calculations, including flow-related material parameters, boundary conditions, drains, and wells
- Fully coupled flow-deformation analysis
- Convenient and intuitive Phase explorer
- Automatic regeneration of construction stages for geometric changes
- Structural forces from cylindrical and square volume piles
- Realistic assessment of stresses and displacements
- Output Model Explorer
- Movable cross-sections
- Extensive report and movie generator
- Contour, shading, iso-surface, and vectors plots
- Advanced data slicing
- Rock-mass response and surface settlements due to tunneling, mining, or reservoir depletion
- Slope stability and seepage analysis for earth and tailing dams, embankments, and open pit mines
- Predicting differential settlements of buildings adjacent to excavation pits
- Stability of and seepage into excavation pits, lateral displacements of diaphragm walls
- Bearing capacity analysis of suction anchors
- Calculate consolidation time for pore pressure dissipation in undrained loading problems